n the song by James Brown, the second line says... “But it wouldn’t be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl”. This was released in 1966 and attitudes were... read more →
March marks the month, a year ago, when we were all panicked into taking the drastic action to isolate in our own homes. Little did we expect that a year... read more →
The world as we know it has been tipped upside down and thrown out of kilter.Government debt has soared on the back of the Quantitative Easing and furlough programmes. Unemployment... read more →
Our everyday lives have been turned upside down and I’m sure we have all found ourselves contemplating what the future holds. Especially those who have been isolated working at home. ... read more →
I’ve been a financial planner for some considerable time now. As many of you may know, in a previous life I was a teacher. On the face of it, a... read more →
When I was thinking about writing this blog, I thought I might have to use my words carefully regarding gender stereotypes. I then read an article in the Sunday Times... read more →