Business Owners

Advice For Business Owners

Financial Planning for Business Owners

Do you know your number – how much you need and when to live the life you want?

Every successful business has a robust business plan, but what plans have you made for your own financial future? If you are a successful business owner, you probably spend most of your time looking after your business and not enough time considering your own interests.

For example, would you be able to answer these questions?

  • Are your assets managed as well as they could be – are your investments, pensions, properties and savings going to make a real difference to your future income?
  • Do you measure the returns you achieve (net of fees) compared to the returns you need each year, just like you do in your business?
  • Do you know how much you need to extract from your business at your point of exit, to live the life you want?
  • What is your business actually worth to you?
  • Do you know how to extract the value out of your business in the most tax-efficient way?

If you can’t answer with clarity, we’d invite you to have a chat with Gary Neild, our founder and CEO. He knows first-hand what it’s like to build, manage and deliver a succession plan for a business. Learn more about our move to an EOT here.

Making business assets work harder

So many businesses have money sat on deposit earning no interest and paying high fees to their banks. At Blue Sky, we offer a range of services to help business owners optimise returns on capital. 

  • Would you like to achieve a net return on your deposit money of over 4.5% with just a 10-day notice period for withdrawals and no exit fees?
  • Have you considered investing some of your business capital and benefitting from compound returns?
  • Have you ever thought that the money you make on business capital could be used to invest efficiently into executive pensions?

We work with numerous businesses across Dorset and beyond and have created significant wealth for them via our bespoke strategies. We help clients, just like you, look at the full picture – business and personal – and build strategies to meet both collective and individual goals.

Managing risks

We know you are an expert in running your business and know your sector inside out. Business owners are generally very good at managing risk within their businesses, but they are not always as good at managing peripheral risk. A large proportion of businesses are woefully underinsured, as are their key people.

We firmly believe and advocate the importance of being in control as much as possible.

  • Is your company protected should key people be unable to fulfil their roles?
  • Does the level of shareholder protection you have in place match the current value of the company?
  • Do you share our view that building a business without adequate protection is like building on quicksand?

If you would like to learn more about our services or wish to have a consultation then please call 01202 756560.

Live the life you want

We enhance well-being through Comprehensive Financial Planning.
We reduce anxieties, explore possibilities and create excitement about the future.