Life can be tough at times and it’s easy to become anchored in the mechanisms of everyday life. I get this, but in my opinion, it’s also ever so important to dream about what’s possible in the future.
I’ve had several conversations about this recently, with a number of new clients. We can all be forgiven for thinking in ‘safeguarding mode’ with the avalanche of change happening around us and the incessant bad news hitting us each and every day. Yet, for the most part, we can’t do anything about such matters, but we can influence our mindset – how we think about the future.
I remember writing a blog way back in July 2019 about this very subject. It was entitled “start with your dreams , not with your circumstances”. The basic premise was that most of us struggle to look beyond our immediate circumstances. Life just gets in the way! There is always something to worry about isn’t there! Worse still, our cognitive biases impact our behaviours and can limit our possibilities. Inertia then rules.
You can read that 2019 blog here.
Our circumstances change, yet our dreams rarely do and so why not start with plotting what you dream of doing and then work backwards?
Dreaming requires thought but it also needs motivation. However, to fuel this motivation, we need belief that the dreams are possible. So be intentional, create your financial plan if you haven’t already, and ‘know your number’ – how much is enough?
Sadly, we see so many people with reasonably size portfolios invested elsewhere, yet they don’t know their number and they are certainly not dreaming!
Thank you.
Gary Neild B.Sc.Hons. DipIP PFA
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

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Please Note: This communication should not be read as giving specific advice regarding your personal circumstances. This would only be given following detailed assessment of your individual needs. The value of investments may fall as well as rise; you may get back less than invested. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future returns.