Managing money on a day-to-day basis is not always easy. Harder still is building and creating wealth effectively.
There are some fundamental principles which go a long way towards being smart with your money. The problem is that most of us are never taught the basic fundamentals.
I was stimulated to write this post following a visit from a very engaging guy, aged 25, who came to see me recently at Blue Sky. He has a good job with an investment bank and he was keen to work with someone who would act as a mentor for him.
He receives what I would say is a good flow of financial information from his employer, mainly around his pension. However, what he wants is to work with a strategist – someone who could decipher what is best for him personally.
He went on to say, that all his peers are in the same boat. Many of them use online tools which is fine to a point but he wants context.
He also made a very pertinent point saying that he was under the impression that most financial advisers won’t work with him unless he has in excess of £250k to invest. Now, whether that is entirely accurate is not the point, it is the perception and there is no doubt that most advisory practices have quite high minimum thresholds.
At Blue Sky, we have no minimum thresholds. We are happy to work with anyone who is genuinely interested in their financial future and is willing to make a concerted effort. Blue Sky is so much more than just a business, we feel we have a responsibility and helping young people become more financially savvy is part of our culture.
Best wishes,
Gary Neild B.Sc.Hons. DipIP PFA
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Risk warning
Please Note: This communication should not be read as giving specific advice regarding your personal circumstances. This would only be given following a detailed assessment of your individual needs. The value of investments may fall as well as rise; you may get back less than invested. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future returns.