Helping you be the best you can be.
Everything we do is focused on improving our clients’ well-being. Financial Planning reduces anxieties, explores possibilities and creates excitement about the future. Yet for us here at Blue Sky, it’s never just about money.
In our busy modern world, time is often a limiting factor but as with Financial Planning, it is all about taking control. Often during our work with clients, other priorities come to light. People tell us that focusing on their finances and the life they desire often leads them to focus on their health, family or interests too; they begin to focus on all round well-being.
Throughout our work we have come across a selection of people that share our passion for enhancing well-being – from personal trainers to professional services. We will never force a recommendation on you, but should you ask us, we’ll be happy to help.

BoldAge – Retirement Coaching
One of our fabulous partners, committed to helping our clients attain greater fulfillment in all aspects of life, is Becky Craig. Becky can help you find mental and emotional focus and strength through major life transitions, such as retirement, by using practical personal coaching. Becky is highly qualified and has had years of experience of helping individuals and couples navigate though life changing events. You can find out more about Becky on www.blulake.co.uk or ask us to introduce you.