I hope this article makes sense, as I’m in the Harbour Hospital in Poole just coming around from general anaesthetic! Nothing serious... an arthroscopy on the knee. Quite a mess... read more →
"Gary admits to being very wary about P2P before starting to recommend P2P loans to his clients."
I watched a video the other day by a guy named Dr Andy Cope. Apparently, he is the UK’s first Doctor of Happiness. Although this may sound a cheesy title... read more →
At our investment seminar last Thursday 1st March, I asked the presenters from LGT Vestra whether the demise of some of our well known high street companies was an indication of a... read more →
In my capacity as a financial planner and a wealth management mentor, I frequently help other business owners link their business wealth to their personal goals. Modelling the various scenarios helps... read more →
Will you be one of the millions of workers who will have to work an extra year before retiring after the Government announced that it would be extending the retirement age... read more →