This is not my normal type of blog, but I hope you find it useful. You may have noticed that I have taken ‘time out’ of my blogs recently because, frankly, we’ve all had more pressing matters to deal with.
It’s amazing to see the good will and comraderie across communities and I have been blown away with the support for all the workers in the NHS. It’s heart-warming to see how many people are reaching out to others.
We, at Blue Sky, are always aware of how important a positive mindset is when embracing change and now, more than ever, your well-being and good health are paramount. We want to help and so have two valuable offerings to share with you from our friends Barbara Cox and Neil Irish.
We were going to wait until this pandemic was over before introducing their services, but after discussions with both Barbara and Neil, it became clear that they wanted to reach out and help people however they can, now. Both have offered an element of their services free of charge.
Please read below for further information.
Keep safe and well.
Best wishes
Gary Neild B.Sc.Hons. DipIP PFA
Managing Director
Keeping your mind and body healthy
It’s peculiar isn’t it, being stuck in our homes for all this time? Clearly, our personal well-being will be tested by this, with us not being able to do many of the things we normally do.
We therefore thought it a good idea to introduce you to a mind and body App offered by our close friend, the award winning and passionate nutritionist, Barbara Cox.
Barbara has great contacts with a company called Revoola, and is offering a free 30-day trial of their mind and body App. If you enjoy the activities and learnings after one month, Barbara has secured our clients and friends a special rate of 50% off the usual price of £8.99 for the first three months.
To give it a try, just follow these instructions:
1) Click on this link from your mobile device:
2) Download from either the AppStore or Google Play Store
3) Open the Revoola App
4) Sign up with your email
5) Explore Revoola with a 30 day free trial
6) Enjoy 50% off you first 3 Months Subscription
All subscriptions will be managed via the Revoola Website.
Click here to find out more about Barbara
Dealing with change
However, in the meantime, Neil is offering help to anyone that feels they would benefit. Neil has already begun assisting people who are having difficulties with the consequences of Coronavirus. Neil says;
“Mental health is vital towards overall well-being and one’s immune system, and never before has this been more pertinent than right now. I want to help by offering a free one-hour coaching session to help any Blue Sky client, or their family members, adjust to these difficult times”.
I am confident that Neil will be able to make a positive difference in just one session.
Should you wish to continue with further sessions then, just for our clients and their families, Neil is offering 25% off his current fees. Furthermore, if you know someone who has lost their job, or their business or is self-employed without any current income due to the effects of the Coronavirus then Neil will provide three full one-hour sessions free of charge.
“Neil helped me regain a clearer perspective on life and gave me some valuable techniques to control stress and negative thinking. I now have improved confidence and clarity which will help my life move forward in a positive direction. I’m very grateful for his continuing support.”
Elly – Poole
There are lots of ways we can help others and I applaud Neil for his offer of support. If you know of anyone who could benefit from such coaching, please contact Neil directly on 07825 633514 or email